Friday 29 September 2017



Understanding and Function Gateway clear and complete on the Internet Computer Network - Now many people who love the digital world or the world using a computer. But apparently, sometimes many who have not understood some sense in the computer world, such as Gateway. Gateway is a device in a computer that is enabled to connect a computer network with one network of other computers or more that use protocol information that is not the same. This makes the information from one computer network can be forwarded on another computer network that has a different protocol.
Internet Gateway
Internet Gateway

Gateway or commonly referred to as "Network Gate" is a device that can facilitate computer users and the Internet. One of the applications or examples of the use of the Gateway we can see is in Email. As we know that email exchanges can be done even in unequal systems. Now, along with the increasingly widespread use of the Internet, the sense of Gateway is often a shift or misunderstanding. Many people equate Gateway with the Router, but actually Gateway and Router are two different devices.

Gateway function
After we discuss about Understanding Gateway on computer network, then now DimensiData will discuss about Gateway function for a computer network internet. If viewed from the understanding, then we may be able to say that in general Gateway serves to connect a computer network with another computer network with different protocol. Gateway can be used in connecting IBM SNA with digital SNA, Local Area Network or LAN with Wide Area Network or WAN. However, there are also some functions of the other Gateway if we elaborate in much more detail. Here is the information.

1. As Protocol Converting
As explained above, the gateway can connect a computer network with another computer network with different protocols. In order to connect two networks with different protocols this gateway must have the ability to convert protocols so that these two different protocols can be interconnected or connected. A network gateway is an internet working system that connects two networks at the same time and can be configured in a software or software. Well, this gateway network can operate in any level that exist on the layer model of OSI or also called Open System Interconnection.

2. Facilitate access to Information
Without a gateway, computer networks with different protocols can never be connected to each other. When this happens, it is certain that a computer network will not be able to access information from other computers. When the gateway is used and the computer network is connected, then of course access to information can run much more easily. So Gateway is very useful for use in facilitating access to information.

3. Hardware Sharing
Share hardware together. An example of the Implementation is the use of a Server Printer , in which a Printer can be shared by Client in the Network.

4. Data security and arrangement
computer in a business environment, with the network allows an administrator to organize the most important office data. From each department to being separate and the data scattered everywhere. Important data can be managed in a server back end to then be replicated or backed up according to company policy. Similarly, an admin will be able to control the important data in order to be accessed or edited by the people who are eligible only.

5. Stability and Improved Computing Performance
Under certain circumstances a network can be used to improve the overall performance of business applications, by providing "more" computing tasks to a Device distributed to another Computer.

That was the article about Explanation of Definition Definition, Function and How to Configure Gateway on internet computer network. What is clear, Gateway is needed in a computer network because it can provide some convenience. Some of the conveniences that you can get from the use of this Gateway are two network computers that slaing connected despite having a different protocol. This will then make it easy for you to access information. Hopefully this information can be useful for you
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